My top 10 movies of 2003
1. Pirates of the Caribbean, 2. LOTR: Return of the King, 3. Old School, 4. Finding Nemo, 5. X-2, 6. The Pianist, 7. Mona Lisa Smile, 8. Anger Management, 9. Big Fish, 10. Down with Love
Below are some movies that Keith and I have seen lately. I will try to keep these up-to-date. I understand that everyone will have different opinions of movies so just because I say it is good doesn't mean you'll enjoy it necessarily. But I hope you enjoy these reviews and that they help you a little in deciding which movie to catch at the theatre.
Loved it, recommend it, impressed, will watch it again, my kind of movie
it, was glad I saw it in the theatre, impressed
An average movie that I could have waited to see on DVD rental or even HBO
Hated it, a waste of money, watching it again would be the worse kind of torture
Movie Reviews
"Mystic River"
Rated: R
Official website:
My review: A different type of movie than I usually like but interesting. There were a few parts that left you wondering about the meaning behind them but over all it was pretty good. Oscar worthy...hmmm, I guess so. The three main actors did an awesome job portraying their characters. I'm glad Sean Penn and Tim Robbins were nominated, they deserved it.
"Lost in Translation"
Rated: R
Official website:
My review: Wow. I really
liked this movie, I can't put my finger on it but it was well done, there was a
smattering of Murray style humor thrown in, Scarlett was perfect for the part,
it was just a great movie. My only complaint is I want to know what Murray
whispered to Scarlett at the end! We turned on the sub-titles, no
help! Whatever it was, it made her happy so I guess that's all we're
supposed to know. Definitely Oscar worthy.
"50 First Dates"
Rated: PG-13
Official website:
My review: Cute, mildly amusing,
feel good movie. And that's about all I have to say about that folks!