2002-1. CHICAGO, 2. Signs, 3. Punch Drunk Love, 4. The Bourne Identity, 5. About a Boy, 6. Frailty, 7. The Sweetest Thing, 8. Minority Report, 9. Insomnia, 10. The Hours
Loved it, recommend it, impressed, will watch it again, my kind of movie
it, was glad I saw it in the theatre, impressed
An average movie that I could have waited to see on DVD rental or even HBO
Hated it, a waste of money, watching it again would be the worse kind of torture
"I am Sam"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://iamsammovie.com/
My Review: Over all a pretty good
movie. It was a tear jerker and the little girl...she was perfect for the
part. Just a feel good movie, I was glad I saw it.
"The Counte of Monte Cristo"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://bventertainment.go.com/movies/montecristo/intro.htm
My Review: After watching Oscar
quality movies the last couple of months this movie flopped with me. I
found it boring, LONG and predictable. There wasn't really anything I
liked about it. I'm glad Guy Pierce is getting work but his acting was not
up to his performance in Memento or L.A. Confidential.
My Review: This was a French film
that was nominated for a Golden Globe. I watched it at an independent
theatre called the Rag Tag Cafe. It was a very pleasant experience.
The movie was very, very good. It was light-hearted, fun and
hilarious. I think I will start watching foreign films more often after
watching this gem.
"The Shipping News" Starring Kevin Spacey, Julianne Moore, Judi Dench, and Cate Blanchett
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.miramaxhighlights.com/theshippingnews/
My Review: Excellent movie.
A remarkable tale, the Newfoundland scenery is gorgeous, Kevin Spacey gives one
of his best performances as an emotionally abused man. It is rated R for
some disturbing scenes but I felt they were essential to the telling of the
story. A very well done movie by the director of Chocolat (another of my
favorites). Judy Dench was always great, of course.
"A Beautiful Mind" Starring Russell Crowe, Ed Harris and Jennifer Connelly
Rated: PG-13
Office Website: http://www.abeautifulmind.com/
My Review: I haven't cried that
much during a movie for a long, long time. This was a great movie!
The story was great and I was glad that it was based on the life of a real
person. Over all very, very good. Four stars...and probably some
Oscar awards too.
"Lord of the Rings" Starring Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, Liv Tyler, Cate Blanchett and others.
Rated: PG-13
Office website: http://www.lordoftherings.net/
My Review: Awesome, awesome
movie! It did at sometimes feel like a 3 hour long movie but I was never
bored. I haven't read the books before so I can't say anything about how
well they adapted the book to film. The special effects were great and it
was just an overall great film. I can barely wait for the next one...but I
will have to wait...until December 2002.
"Life as a House" Starring Kevin Kline and Kristin Scott Thomas
Rated: R
Official Website: http://www.lifeasahouse.com/
My Review: Great feel good movie. I didn't watch this
movie at the theatres, rather on my computer but it was still very good.
And it was one of the few movies I've watched on my computer that I would watch
again on DVD. Every one did a really great job of acting, especially Kevin
Kline. Take some Kleenexes to this movie...
"Ocean's Eleven" Starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts and many more
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://oceans11.warnerbros.com/cmp/main.html
My review: Just another heist
movie with a lot of famous people in it. This movie was enjoyable but
didn't do anything that hadn't been done before. So if you're looking for
a mindless, fun flick this is it. Just don't expect too much from
it. Casey Affleck and Scott Caan gave the best performances (I thought) of
all of the cast members.
"Kate and Leopold" Starring Huge Jackman and Meg Ryan
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.kateandleopold-themovie.com/
My Review: My review simple for this one...Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman!
(and an extra
for Hugh Jackman)
"Vanilla Sky" Starring Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz
Rated: R
My review: A wild, wild
ride. Though the shock ending wasn't as good as some other movies (say
"Memento" or "Unbreakable") it was interesting. It
wasn't the ending I expected at least. Over all an entertaining movie, I
wouldn't take the kids to see it though. Penelope Cruz was great, I'd like
to watch the original Spanish version of this movie now that she also starred
"Forty Days and Forty Nights"
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.miramax.com/40daysand40nights/
My Review: A cute, funny movie.
More cute and somewhat romantic than hilariously funny. Sophomoric humor
but it got several laughs from me. Not sure what that says about me...but
I did enjoy the movie. Warning: Definitely deserved the R rating.
"Brotherhood of the Wolf"
Rated: R
My Review: Great movie. A little
long but it was worth it. I'd like to see several of the actors in more
movies. I was expecting to be a little more spooked than I was but overall
it was pretty good.
"National Lampoon's Van Wilder"
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.nationallampoon.com/vanwilder/
My Review: About what you would expect of a National
Lampoon movie made in 2002. I thought it was hilarious. It was
somewhere between American Pie and Something About Mary if that gives you any
idea of the type of humor. Some things were just too corny but several
times I almost fell off of my seat laughing. I like Ryan Reynolds from
watching him on the show "Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place" but I
can do without Tara Reid. Something happened to her since American Pie,
can we say anorexia?
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.frailtythefilm.com/
My Review: Very Stephen
King-like. I loved this movie, it was scary and thought provoking.
It's one of those movies that when it's over you're discussing it for several
days. I liked it of course because of the surprise, twist ending (you know
me...a sucker for that type of movie). A much better twist ending than
Vanilla Sky by a long shot. Even though the whole movie was centered on a
violent subject you never really saw a lot of violence, it was more implied
which I appreciated.
"High Crimes"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.highcrimesmovie.com/main.html
My Review: Great movie!! Lots of action, mystery,
intrigue. Ashley Judd did a great job as usual. Another surprise ending
but this one I could see coming a little so not nearly as good as Frailty.
Overall very enjoyable movie.
"About a Boy"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.about-a-boy.com/
My Review: Very cute, very funny movie. I was laughing or chuckling throughout the whole movie. I love Hugh Grant and this is the best part for him. Marcus' eyebrows were a little strange I must admit (you'll see what I mean if you watch this movie) but it added to his charm I guess. Just a great feel-good movie, one of the funnier ones I've watched lately.
Rated: R
Official website: http://dontcloseyoureyes.warnerbros.com/
My Review: A good murder mystery
that keeps you guessing to the end. I didn't know if Robin Williams could
pull off the psycho bad guy role but he did it very well. I was excited
about seeing this movie because I liked the director's previous work
"Memento" a lot. This one didn't quite live up to
"Memento"... If you're looking for something different than the
usual hyped up summer flick this would be it.
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.spiderman.sonypictures.com/
My Review: I loved this movie. It
had all the good ingredients...the perfect actors/actresses for the roles,
adventure, love, awesome visual effects. A great movie to take the kids
to, too. I can't wait to see the next two.
"Star Wars:Episode II - Attack of the Clones"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/
My Review: Great movie!!
I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan in the world but even I enjoyed this
movie. My favorite scene - the Yoda fight scene.
"The Bourne Identity"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.thebourneidentity.com/index_2.html
My Review: Great, great movie! I think this had one of the best car chases I've seen in a long time. Fairly clean for an action movie. It had suspense and great acting. I especially liked the job done by German new-comer Franka Potente. Matt Damon was great as always
"Minority Report"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.minorityreport.com/
My Review: Awesome movie!!! I went into this movie thinking I would like "Bourne Identity" better but I loved this movie. It had twists and turns everywhere, some were a little predictable but most were not. I can't say much about it without giving things away, it was so much better than A.I. One of the best movies I've seen all summer...and considering what's being released the rest of this summer it may be the best movie I see all summer.
"Mr. Deeds"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/mrdeeds/
My Review: Horibble, horrible
movie. The only thing this movie had going for it was Adam Sandler and
even he couldn't make this movie funny. Every good joke (and there were
only about 5) you had already seen in the previews. I enjoy Adam Sandler
and all of his movies but this one was the worst, I hope he does better with his
next choice of scripts or he's going to quickly lose the Adam Sandler appeal
that gets people to his movies.
"Road to Perdition"
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.roadtoperdition.com/
My Review: Great, great
movie. One of the best I've seen all year, definitely an Oscar contender
especially for Tom Hanks. There wasn't a lot of violence but the language
was pretty harsh for that era of time. Overall an awesome movie with an ending I didn't predict.
"Austin Powers: Goldmember"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.austinpowers.com/
My Review: A pretty funny
movie. Though some people have been saying it is funnier than the first
movie I can't say I agree. There were a lot of old jokes, a few new
jokes. Goldmember was pretty disturbing and I didn't find the chemistry
between Foxy and Austin believable at all. Still pretty funny, it got a
few chuckles out of me.
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.movie.de/zeichen/
My Review: Wow! I don't know how
M. Night Shyamalan keeps doing this but he's worked his magic again. I
loved this movie! I would recommend it to anyone. The message was
good, it made you jump in the right places...Wow! It was just another
incredible movie by this very talented director.
"Punch Drunk Love"
Rated: R
Official web site: http://www.punchdrunklove.com/
My Review: Great movie! Very, very dark and dry humor but it was so hilarious. I'm happy to say though that no one dies:) At moments I was worried. I'm so glad Adam Sandler starred in this movie, especially after "Mr. Deeds", he has redeemed himself with me. It's been months since I've been to the movie theatre but this one couldn't be missed.
"The Ring"
Rated: PG-13
Official web site: http://www.ring-themovie.com/
My Review: The most horrible
movie I've seen in a long time. This movie ended up being something in
between "Scream" and "The Blair Witch Project". The
plot was horrible, there were over 20 ends left loose with no explanation. I
know that it is based on a Japanese film that was made several years ago but
from what I'm reading the original film was much scarier. I think I jumped
maybe one time when watching this movie...I don't know what I expected but
definitely not what it turned out to be.
"My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding"
Rated: PG
Official web site: http://movies.yahoo.com/greekwedding/#
My Review: Very funny and cute.
Just a great movie! No wonder it's been at Forum Theatres for about 4
months now.
"Catch Me If You Can"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.dreamworks.com/catchthem/jump2.html
My Review: Pretty entertaining
flick. I need to watch the A&E special now to see how much of it was
actually true. Dicaprio did a really good job, though I'll never really be
able to see him as anything other than "Jack".
"Far From Heaven"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.farfromheavenmovie.com/
My Review: Jeepers, this was a swell movie! OK, enough of the 50's jargon which was all over this movie. Great movie, great cast, great costumes, great set decorations...you left feeling like you had been watching a movie actually made in the 50's and very thankful that today we have (somewhat) changed our attitudes and ideas from how they were then.
"Gangs of New York"
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.gangsofnewyork.com/
My Review: A story that has been
told before, boy sees dad die, boy vows to revenge dad, etc. Even though
it was predictable it was very well done. The violence was pretty graphic,
deserving of the R rating. Daniel Day-Lewis did the best job of acting as
anyone in this movie. The sets and costumes and nuances of that time were
realistic and the music was really great. I did look at my watch once or
twice during the 3 hour long movie but mostly because I was hungry!
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/adaptation/
My Review: Very different and
original. Pretty dry laughs but they all got a chuckle out of me.
Not for everyone, if you didn't like or didn't see because you didn't think you
would like "Being John Malkovich" then you probably don't want to see
this movie. Though I must say I enjoyed this movie much more than
"Being John Malkovich", may have something to do with my fear of small
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.lordoftherings.net/
My Review: Just OK. I
wasn't as impressed as with the first movie of this triology. It was still
pretty good though...Gollum was entertaining.
"The Recruit"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://touchstonepictures.go.com/recruit/
My Review: So predictable and unrealistic that I was bored to tears. I guess I should know better than to expect a great movie when Al Pacino is in it anymore. He just doesn't pick very good films to star in these days. Now, I love Colin Farrell so the movie may have been worth it just for him...hmmm, no even he wasn't worth the money I wasted on this movie.
"How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.howtoloseaguymovie.com/
My Review: Pretty cute movie with
lots of laughs. Just about what you would expect from this type of movie
and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Two of my favorite actors made this movie even more
"The Hours"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.thehoursmovie.com/home.php
My Review: Wow. Wow.
Wow. Unbelievably good. Now I have to rethink my pick of
Chicago for the Best Picture winner at the Oscars this year. They weren't
kidding in the trailer when they say this movie could not only change the way
you think but also change your life.
"Old School"
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.oldschool-themovie.com/
My Review: So, so, bad but so
hilarious! I laughed so hard at one point that I was crying. Will
Ferrell was the best part of this movie, he was great. Piven was awesome
as the dean! Of course at some points this movie might have went a little
too far (hence the R rating) but overall it was enjoyable.
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.miramax.com/chicago/index.html
My Review: Awesome, incredible,
breathtaking, remarkable, fantastic, amazing, outstanding...
"The Pianist"
Rated: R
Official website: http://www.thepianist-themovie.com/
My Review: Wow. No wonder
Adrian Brody won best actor, he was incredible. The movie was very moving,
opening your eyes again and again to the insanity and cruelness of the German
Nazis that we sometimes forget about, or MOST of them. Great movie,
everyone should see it.
"Anger Management"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/angermanagement/
My Review: The best Adam Sandler
movie since "Big Daddy". Jack Nicholson made this movie
though. He and Adam Sandler were a good match. Overall pretty good
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.x2-movie.com/
My Review: Awesome movie!
Very impressed. So much better than the first one, mainly because the
characters have already been introduced so they could jump right into the
action. Not too sure about the ending, I thought it could have been done
differently but I'm sure all will be revealed in the next X-men movie.
Can't wait!
"The Matrix Reloaded"
Rated: R
Official website: http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/
My Review: Pretty good. I
still like the first one the best. The plot was a little lacking in this
one and the "preachy" scenes a little too frequent. Visual
effects and action sequences were still great. I still don't understand
the Matrix but it was a good movie to catch at the theatre.
"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/pirates/index.html
My Review: Hilarious! Awesome
movie! Johnny Depp was...well, words cannot describe how funny his part
was and how well he played it! Great movie for the whole family, I loved
it! Haven't seen a better movie all year yet!
"Big Fish"
Rated: PG-13
Official website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/bigfish/index.html
My review: Great movie! I
was a little reluctant to see it at first but I went along with Keith. I
am really glad I saw this movie, it was very well done. And if you aren't
bawling at the very end (and you'll know where I mean once you've watched
it)...well, then you have must have no heart, tinman! I'm afraid this one
might get passed up for Oscars but it was definitely worthy.